Author: Tim

Charles Murray Nairne: The religion of nature is not a religion for sinners

The deductions of the natural argument, are, indeed, valuable and accurate as far as they go; but in our peculiar circumstances they do not go far enough. What men call the religion of nature is not a religion for sinners, and on no account must it be reckoned either as a substitute for, or a necessary supplement to, that knowledge which alone maketh men wise unto salvation. Life eternal is not simply to know the true God. It is also to know Jesus Christ whom he hath sent.

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Andrews Norton: Strauss’s fanciful tale

The whole Christian world has believed that these stories proceeded from Apostles and their associates. But it was not so. They proceeded from another party among the followers of Christ, a party that does not appear in history, the existence of which is irreconcilable with all remaining records and memorials of the times when it is supposed to have flourished, utterly irreconcilable with all probability, and which, therefore, was unknown to the world before its discovery by Strauss.

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Thomas Baldwin Thayer: If this was false, how quickly it could have been proved so

Here we are told that the deputy or governor, Sergius, embraced the faith, and became a Christian. If this was false, how quickly it could have been proved so. Sergius was a man of note, a Roman Governor, and of necessity generally known. If he had not become a Christian the statement of the historian would immediately have been exposed as a deliberate untruth, and the character of the governor cleared of the charge: for be it remembered, it was a crime then to become a Christian.

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