We are indebted to Simon Greenleaf (1783-1853), professor of Law at Harvard University, for one of the most interesting in the series of apologetic works by lawyers—a tradition that stretches back to Hugo Grotius’s Truth of the Christian Religion [A]. Greenleaf’s work begins with a short, thought-provoking monograph on the application of the rules of evidence to the gospel accounts, stressing the canons of the ancient document rule and the principles of cross-examination in the evaluation of the testimony of the witnesses to the resurrection. Following this, and filling the bulk of the book in the online editions, there is a very extensive harmony of the gospels, drawn up according to the scheme of Edward Robinson’s Harmony of the Four Gospels in Greek [A] [G], with running commentary in the footnotes dealing with various skeptical objections and doubtful points in the narratives. The book is rounded out with Greenleaf’s abridgment of Robinson’s essay on the harmonization of the resurrection narratives and an examination of the trial of Jesus. A translation of M. Dupin’s response to the critical arguments of Salvator is contained in all editions from the second onward. The copy of the second edition linked here contains Greenleaf’s signature.