Ma- Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)(Click on title to open)Maas, Anthony John(1858 ~ 1927)Prussian-AmericanAnglican Churchman and Academic– The Life of Jesus Christ (1891) – Christ in Type and Prophecy Volume 1 (1893)Volume 2 (1895)– A Day in the Temple (1892)– The Gospel According to St. Matthew (1898)Macan, Reginald Walter(1848 ~ 1941)IrishClassical Scholar– The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (1877)Macardy, Joseph(? ~ ?) ?Author– Synopsis of the Evidences of Christianity (1842)MacArthur, Robert Stuart(1841 ~ 1923)Canadian-AmericanBaptist Preacher, Lecturer, Author– Bible Difficulties and their Alleviative Interpretation: Old Testament (1899)MacClintock, Samuel(1732 ~ 1804)Minister and Chaplain, Congregational Church– Evidences of Christianity (1797)MacDill, David(1790 ~ 1870)AmericanPresbyterian Pastor– The Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch (1896)MacGregor, James(1829 ~ 1894)ScottishPresbyterian Minister and Theologian– The Apology of the Christian Religion (1891)Mackay, Charles(1814 ~ 1889)ScottishPoet, Journalist, Author, Anthologist, Novelist, Songwriter– Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1869)Mackintosh, Robert(? ~ ?) EnglishCongregationalist Minister, Professor of Apologetics– A First Primer of Apologetics (1900)– Christianity and Sin (1913)MacKnight, Alexander(1826 ~ 1894)ScottishPresbyterian Minister and Educator– An Outline of the Historical Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion (1876)Macknight, James(1721 ~ 1800)ScottishMinister, Theological Author– A New Literal Translation from the Original Greek of All the Apostolic Epistles (1809)Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4– All the Actions Recorded in the Gospels are Probable– Truth of the Gospel History ShewedBook 1Book 2–A Harmony of the Four Gospels (1819)Volume 1Volume 2MacLaine, Archibald(1695 ~ 1804)IrishMinister, Translator– A Series of Letters, Addressed to Soame Jenyns (Internal Evidence of Christianity) (1777)Maclaren, Alexander(1826 ~ 1910)ScottishBaptist Minister and Writer– St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans (1909)Maclear, George Frederick(1833 ~ 1902)EnglishClergyman, Theological Writer, Headmaster– Historical Illustrations of the New Testament Scriptures (1886)– The Evidential Value of the Observance of the Lord’s Day (1887)– The Evidential Value of the Holy Eucharist (1883)– The Witness of the Eucharist (1864)– Strivings for the Faith (1875)Macpherson, Robert(1806 ~ 1867)ScottishPresbyterian Professor– The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (1867)Magee, William(1766 ~ 1831)IrishArchbishop of Dublin– A Discourse upon the Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel (1837)Mahan, Milo(1819 ~ 1870)AmericanEpiscopal Historian and Educator– A Church History of the First Three Centuries (1860)– The Spiritual Point-of-View (1863)– The Comedy of Canonization (1868)– The Exercise of Faith (1877)Mair, Alexander(1875 ~ 1928)ScottishProfessor of Greek– Studies in the Christian Evidences (1894)Maitland, Brownlow(? ~ 1902)English?Minister of Brunswick Chapel– Miracles (1886)– Scepticism and Faith (1877)– The Argument from Prophecy (1877)– The Great Passion-Prophecy Vindicated (1884)– Steps to Faith (1880)– Theism or Agnosticism (1878)Maltby, Edward(1770 ~ 1859)EnglishChurch of England Bishop– Illustrations of the Truth of the Christian Religion (1802)– Sermons Preached in the Chapel of Lincoln’s Inn (1831)Mangey, Thomas(1688 ~ 1755)EnglishClergyman and Scholar– Remarks Upon Nazarenus (1718)Manning, Jacob Merrill(1824 ~ 1882)AmericanCongregational clergyman– Half Truths and the Truth (1872)Marchant, James(1867 ~ 1956)BritishPresbyterian Minister– Theories of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (1899)Margoliouth, David Samuel(1858 ~ 1940)EnglishProfessor of Arabic– Lines of Defence of the Biblical Revelation (1900)Marsh, Edward Garrard(1783 ~ 1862)EnglishAnglican Clergyman– Authorship of the Four Gospels: External Evidences (1885)Marsh, Gideon William Barker(1859 ~ 1930)EnglishAuthor– Messianic Philosophy (1908)– Miracles (1906)– The Resurrection of Christ (1905)Marsh, Herbert(1757 ~ 1839)EnglishChurch of England Bishop– The Authenticity of the Five Books of Moses Vindicated (1802)Marshall, Benjamin(? ~ ?) EnglishRector of Naunton, Author– A Chronological Treatise upon the Seventy Weeks of Daniel (1725)– Three Letters in Farther Vindication of Bishop Lloyd’s Hypothesis (1728)Marshall, John George(1786 ~ 1880)CanadianLawyer and Judge– A Full Review and Exposure of Bishop Colenso’s Errors and Miscalculations (1863)Martin, Alfred Wilhelm(1862 ~ 1933)GermanLecturer and Author– The Life of Jesus in the Light of the Higher Criticism (1913)Marvin, William(1808 ~ 1902)AmericanGovernor of Florida– Authorship of the Four Gospels: External Evidences (1885)