Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)
(Click on title to open)
McCaul, Alexander
(1799 ~ 1863)
IrishHebrew Scholar and Missionary to the JewsAn Examination of Bp Colenso’s Difficulties with Regard to the Pentateuch (1863)
The Messiahship of Jesus (1852)
– Lectures on the Prophecies Proving the Divine Origin of Christianity (1846)
Prophecy (1863)
– The Old Paths (1837)
Thoughts on Rationalism, Revelation, and the Divine Authority of the Old Testament (1850)
McClymont, James A.
(1848 ~ 1927)
ScottishArmy Chaplain and MinisterThe New Testament and its Writers (1893)
McComas, E.W
(? ~ ?)
?AuthorA Rational View of Jesus and Religion (1880)
McCosh, James
(1811 ~ 1894)
Scottish-AmericanPresident of PrincetonChristianity and Positivism (1874)
The Supernatural in Relation to the Natural (1862)
A Defence of Fundamental Truth (1880)
McCulloh, James Haines
(1793 ~ 1870)
AmericanPhysician and ArchaeologistAn Impartial Examination of the Evidences and Doctrines of the Christian Religion (1836)
McCurdy, James Frederick
(1847 ~ 1935)
CanadianProfessor of Oriental LanguagesHistory, Prophecy and the Monuments: Or Israel and the Nations (1914)
McGarvey, John William
(1829 ~ 1911)
AmericanRestoration Minister, Author, and Religious Educator– A Guide to Bible Study (1897)
– Evidences of Christianity (1886) 
Jesus and Jonah (1896)
– Short Essays in Biblical Criticism (1910)
– The Authorship of the Book of Deuteronomy (1902)
– The Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch (1896)      
The New Testament Commentary, Vol. 1 (1875)
Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians, and Romans (1916)
New Commentary on Acts of Apostles (1892)
Volume 1
Volume 2
Lands of the Bible (1893)
McGill, Stevenson
(1765 ~ 1840)
ScottishPresbyterian ministerEvidences of Christianity (1852)
McIlvaine, Charles Pettit
(1799 ~ 1873)
AmericanEpiscopal Bishop, Chaplain of the United States SenateEvidences of Christianity (1877)
Righteousness by Faith (1868)
McIlvaine, Joseph Hall
(1815 ~ 1897)
AmericanPresbyterian PastorThe Wisdom of Holy Scripture: With Reference to Sceptical Objections (1883)
McPheeters, William Marcellus
(1854 ~ 1935)
AmericanProfessor of OT at ColumbiaDr. Driver on the Authorship of Isaiah XIII-XIV (1894)
Mead, Charles Marsh
(1836 ~ 1911)
AmericanCongregational Professor of Theology and Biblical ScholarRomans Dissected (1891)
Supernatural Revelation (1889)
Christianity and Scepticism (1870)
Mearns, Duncan
(1779 ~ 1852)
ScottishProfessor of DivinityPrinciples of Christian Evidence Illustrated (1818)
Mendon Association
AmericanGroup of Congregational MinistersEvidences of Revealed Religion (1798)
Merrill, Selah
(1837 ~ 1909)
AmericanCongregationalist ClergymanGalilee in the Time of Christ (1886)
Miall, Edward
(1809 ~ 1881)
EnglishNonconformist, JournalistBases of Belief (1861)
Michaelis, John David
(1717 ~ 1791)
GermanBiblical Scholar and TeacherBurial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, According to the Four Evangelists (1827)
Introduction to the New Testament (1802, 1823)
Volume 1
Volume 2, Part 1
Volume 2, Part 2
Volume 3, Part 1
Volume 3, Part 2
Volume 4
Michell, Richard
(1805 ~ 1877)
EnglishChurchman and AcademicThe Nature and Comparative Value of the Christian Evidences Considered (1849)
Micou, Richard Wilde
(1848 ~ 1912)
AmericanTheologian and Seminary ProfessorBasic Ideas in Religion, or, Apologetic Theism (1916)
Middlemiss, James
(1823 ~ 1907)
CanadianMethodist MinisterA Plea for Popular Instruction in the Evidences of Christianity (1883)
Middleton, Conyers
(1683 ~ 1750)
EnglishDoctor of DivinityA Letter to Dr. Waterland (1731)
Free Inquiry Into the Miraculous Powers (1749)
The Miscellaneous Works of the late Reverend and Learned Conyers Middleton (1752)
Volume 1
Volume 2
Middleton, Patrick
(1662 ~ 1736)
ScottishNonjuring DivineThe Case of Abraham’s Being Commanded by God Almighty To Offer up His Son Isaac In Sacrifice (1740)
Mill, William Hodge
(1792 ~ 1853)
EnglishProfessor of HebrewObservations on the Attempted Application of Pantheistic Principles to the Theory and Historic Criticism of the Gospel (1861)
Milligan, Robert
(1814 ~ 1875)
IrishDoctor of DivinityReason and Revelation (1868)
Milligan, William
(1821 ~ 1893)
ScottishTheologianThe Resurrection of Our Lord (1881)
Milman, Henry Hart
(1791 ~ 1868)
EnglishProfessor at OxfordThe Character and Conduct of the Apostles Considered as an Evidence of Christianity (1827)
Milner, Joseph
(1744 ~ 1797)
EnglishEvangelical DivineGibbon’s Account of Christianity Considered (1781)
Mitchell, Edward Cushing
(1829 ~ 1900)
AmericanBaptist Minister and EducatorThe Critical Handbook to the Greek New Testament (1896)
Mitchell, John Murray
(1815 ~ 1904)
ScottishMissionary and OrientalistLetters to Indian Youth on the Evidences of the Christian Religion (1857)