Mc – Mi Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)(Click on title to open)McCaul, Alexander(1799 ~ 1863)IrishHebrew Scholar and Missionary to the Jews– An Examination of Bp Colenso’s Difficulties with Regard to the Pentateuch (1863)– The Messiahship of Jesus (1852)– Lectures on the Prophecies Proving the Divine Origin of Christianity (1846)– Prophecy (1863)– The Old Paths (1837)– Thoughts on Rationalism, Revelation, and the Divine Authority of the Old Testament (1850)McClymont, James A.(1848 ~ 1927)ScottishArmy Chaplain and Minister– The New Testament and its Writers (1893)McComas, E.W(? ~ ?)?Author– A Rational View of Jesus and Religion (1880)McCosh, James(1811 ~ 1894)Scottish-AmericanPresident of Princeton– Christianity and Positivism (1874)– The Supernatural in Relation to the Natural (1862)– A Defence of Fundamental Truth (1880)McCulloh, James Haines(1793 ~ 1870)AmericanPhysician and Archaeologist– An Impartial Examination of the Evidences and Doctrines of the Christian Religion (1836)McCurdy, James Frederick(1847 ~ 1935)CanadianProfessor of Oriental Languages– History, Prophecy and the Monuments: Or Israel and the Nations (1914)McGarvey, John William(1829 ~ 1911)AmericanRestoration Minister, Author, and Religious Educator– A Guide to Bible Study (1897)– Evidences of Christianity (1886) – Jesus and Jonah (1896)– Short Essays in Biblical Criticism (1910)– The Authorship of the Book of Deuteronomy (1902)– The Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch (1896) – The New Testament Commentary, Vol. 1 (1875)– Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians, and Romans (1916)– New Commentary on Acts of Apostles (1892)Volume 1Volume 2– Lands of the Bible (1893)McGill, Stevenson(1765 ~ 1840)ScottishPresbyterian minister– Evidences of Christianity (1852)McIlvaine, Charles Pettit(1799 ~ 1873)AmericanEpiscopal Bishop, Chaplain of the United States Senate– Evidences of Christianity (1877) – Righteousness by Faith (1868)McIlvaine, Joseph Hall(1815 ~ 1897)AmericanPresbyterian Pastor– The Wisdom of Holy Scripture: With Reference to Sceptical Objections (1883)McPheeters, William Marcellus(1854 ~ 1935)AmericanProfessor of OT at Columbia– Dr. Driver on the Authorship of Isaiah XIII-XIV (1894)Mead, Charles Marsh(1836 ~ 1911)AmericanCongregational Professor of Theology and Biblical Scholar– Romans Dissected (1891)– Supernatural Revelation (1889)– Christianity and Scepticism (1870)Mearns, Duncan(1779 ~ 1852)ScottishProfessor of Divinity– Principles of Christian Evidence Illustrated (1818)Mendon Association(1798)AmericanGroup of Congregational Ministers– Evidences of Revealed Religion (1798)Merrill, Selah(1837 ~ 1909)AmericanCongregationalist Clergyman– Galilee in the Time of Christ (1886)Miall, Edward(1809 ~ 1881)EnglishNonconformist, Journalist– Bases of Belief (1861)Michaelis, John David(1717 ~ 1791)GermanBiblical Scholar and Teacher– Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, According to the Four Evangelists (1827)– Introduction to the New Testament (1802, 1823)Volume 1Volume 2, Part 1Volume 2, Part 2Volume 3, Part 1Volume 3, Part 2Volume 4Michell, Richard(1805 ~ 1877)EnglishChurchman and Academic– The Nature and Comparative Value of the Christian Evidences Considered (1849)Micou, Richard Wilde(1848 ~ 1912)AmericanTheologian and Seminary Professor– Basic Ideas in Religion, or, Apologetic Theism (1916)Middlemiss, James(1823 ~ 1907)CanadianMethodist Minister– A Plea for Popular Instruction in the Evidences of Christianity (1883)Middleton, Conyers(1683 ~ 1750)EnglishDoctor of Divinity– A Letter to Dr. Waterland (1731)– Free Inquiry Into the Miraculous Powers (1749)– The Miscellaneous Works of the late Reverend and Learned Conyers Middleton (1752)Volume 1Volume 2Middleton, Patrick(1662 ~ 1736)ScottishNonjuring Divine– The Case of Abraham’s Being Commanded by God Almighty To Offer up His Son Isaac In Sacrifice (1740)Mill, William Hodge(1792 ~ 1853)EnglishProfessor of Hebrew– Observations on the Attempted Application of Pantheistic Principles to the Theory and Historic Criticism of the Gospel (1861)Milligan, Robert(1814 ~ 1875)IrishDoctor of Divinity– Reason and Revelation (1868)Milligan, William(1821 ~ 1893)ScottishTheologian– The Resurrection of Our Lord (1881)Milman, Henry Hart(1791 ~ 1868)EnglishProfessor at Oxford– The Character and Conduct of the Apostles Considered as an Evidence of Christianity (1827)Milner, Joseph(1744 ~ 1797)EnglishEvangelical Divine– Gibbon’s Account of Christianity Considered (1781)Mitchell, Edward Cushing(1829 ~ 1900)AmericanBaptist Minister and Educator– The Critical Handbook to the Greek New Testament (1896)Mitchell, John Murray(1815 ~ 1904)ScottishMissionary and Orientalist– Letters to Indian Youth on the Evidences of the Christian Religion (1857)