Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)
(Click on title to open)
Mohler, John Saylor
(1831 ~ 1911)
AmericanHymnwriter, United Brethren ChurchThe Resurrection (1901)
Mole, Thomas
(? ~ ?)
EnglishAuthorThe Grounds of Christian Faith Rational (1743)
Monteith, Alexander Earle
(1793 ~ 1861)
ScottishLawyer and SheriffTwo Letters on the Evidences of Revealed Religion (1862)
Moore, Thomas Verner
(1877 ~ 1969)
AmericanPsychologist, Psychiatrist, and Catholic MonkThe Last Days of Jesus (1858)
Inspiration of the Scriptures (1850)
Morgan, Richard Williams
(1815 ~ 1889)
WelshAnglican PriestChristianity and Modern Infidelity (1854)
Morison, James
(1816 ~ 1893)
ScottishEvangelical MinisterA Practical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Matthew (1895)
Morison, John
(1791 ~ 1859)
ScottishProtestant MinisterA Portraiture of Modern Scepticism (1832)
– Counsels to Young Men on Modern Infidelity and the Evidences of
Mornay, Philippe de
(1549 ~ 1623)
FrenchProtestant Writer A Work concerning the Trueness of the Christian Religion (1587)
Morrison, Charles Robert
(? ~ ?)
?Lawyer The Proofs of Christ’s Resurrection from a Lawyer’s Standpoint (1885)
Moseley, Richard
(? ~ ?)
?Author Serious and Friendly Letters to a Deist (1752)
Moule, Arthur Evans
(1836 ~ 1918)
EnglishMissionary to ChinaMiracles and the Miraculous (1885)
Reasons for the Hope that is in Us (1891)
Mowat, Oliver
(1820 ~ 1903)
CanadianLawyer and PoliticianChristianity, and Some of its Evidences (1890)
Mozley, James Bowling
(1813 ~ 1878)
EnglishTheologian– Eight Lectures on Miracles (1865)
Mudge, Zachariah Atwell
(1813 ~ 1888)
AmericanMethodist Episcopal Clergyman and Author Towers of Zion: Or, The Evidences of Christianity Illustrated (1856)
Muehleisen-Arnold, John
(1817 ~ 1881)
GermanAuthor, Secretary to the Muslim Mission SocietyEnglish Biblical Criticism and the Authorship of the Pentateuch (1864)
Genesis and Science (1875)
Murray, George
(? ~ ?)
?Author Evidence of Miracles (1802)
Murray, Henry
(1761? ~?)
IrishChaplain at the Foundling HospitalEvidences of the Jewish and Christian Revelations (1791)