N Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)(Click on title to open)Nares, Edward(1762 ~ 1841)EnglishHistorian, Theologian, and Writer– A View of the Evidences of Christianity at the Close of the pretended Age of Reason (1805)Nares, Robert(1753 ~ 1829)EnglishClergyman, Philologist, and Author– The Veracity of the Evangelists Demonstrated, by a Comparative View of Their Histories (1819)Nash, Henry Sylvester(1854 ~ 1912)AmericanEpiscopal Reverend– The History of the Higher Criticism of the New Testament (1900)Neander, Johann August Wilhelm(1789 ~ 1850)GermanTheologian and Church Historian– The Life of Jesus in its Historical Connexion and Historical Development (1856)Nelson, David(1793 ~ 1844)AmericanPresbyterian Minister– Cause and Cure of Infidelity (1841)Newcomb, Harvey(1803 ~ 1863)AmericanClergyman and Writer– Christianity Demonstrated (1848)Newcomb, Thomas(1682 ~ 1765)EnglishClergyman, Poet, and Teacher– Blasphemy as Old as Creation (1730)Newman, John Henry(1801 ~ 1890)EnglishCatholic Theologian– Life of Apollonius Tyanaeus (1826)– Two Essays on Biblical and Ecclesiastical Miracles (1890)– On the Inspiration of Scripture (1884)Newton, Thomas(1704 ~ 1782)EnglishBishop of Bristol– Dissertations on the Prophecies (1826)Nicholls, William(1664 ~ 1712)EnglishClergyman and Theologian– A Conference with a Theist (1723)Volume 1Volume 2Nichols, Ichabod(1784 ~ 1859)AmericanCongregational Minister– Hours with the Evangelists (1867)Volume 1Volume 2Nicol, Thomas(1846 ~ 1916)ScottishProfessor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism– The Four Gospels in the Earliest Church History (1908)– Recent Archaeology and the Bible (1899)Nisbett, Nehemiah(? ~ 1812)??– The Triumphs of Christianity over Infidelity Displayed (1802)Noel, Albert Leland(1835 ~ 1916)English?– Jesus, Which is Called Christ, His Trial and Condemnation (1878)Northgraves, George R.(? ~ ?)Canadian?– Mistakes of Modern Infidels: Or, Evidences of Christianity (1885)Nott, Eliphalet(1773 ~ 1866)AmericanPresbyterian Minister– The Resurrection of Christ (1872)Nye, Stephen(1648 ~ 1719)EnglishUnitarian Clergyman– An Historical Account, and Defence, of the Canon of the New Testament (1700)