Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)
(Click on title to open)
Ogden, Uzal
(1744 ~ 1822)
AmericanPresbyterian MinisterThe Deist Unmasked (1795)
Volume 1
Volume 2
Ogilvie, John
(1580 ~ 1615)
ScottishJesuit PriestAn Inquiry into the Causes of the Infidelity and Scepticism of the Times (1783)
Olshausen, Hermann
(1796 ~ 1839)
GermanTheologianBiblical Commentary on the Gospels (1860)
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Proof of the Genuineness of the Writings of the New Testament (1847)
Onderdonk, Henry Ustick
(1789 ~ 1858)
AmericanEpiscopal BishopSermons and Episcopal Charges (1851)
Volume 1
Volume 2
Onesimus, Captain
(aka John Hewson)
(? ~ ?)
??– Christ Rejected (1834)
Orr, James
(1844 ~ 1913)
ScottishPresbyterian MinisterThe Ritschlian Theology and the Evangelical Faith (1905)
David Hume and His Influence on Philosophy and Theology (1903)
The Bible Under Trial (1907)
The Christian View of God and the World (1893)
The Problem of the Old Testament Considered (1906)
The Progress of Dogma (1901)
The Resurrection of Jesus (1908)
The Virgin Birth of Christ (1907)
The Authenticity of John’s Gospel Deduced From Internal Evidence (1870)
The Supernatural in Christianity (1894)
Neglected Factors in the Study of the Early Progress of Christianity (1899)
Revelation and Inspiration (1910)
Side Lights on Christian Doctrine (1909)
The Faith of the Modern Christian (1910)
Ottley, Henry Bickersteth
(1850 ~ 1932)
EnglishRev. Hon Canon of Canterbury The Great Dilemma: Christ His Own Witness or His Own Accuser (1892)
Owen, Henry
(1716 ~ 1795)
WelshTheologian and Biblical ScholarThe Intent and Propriety of the Scripture Miracles Considered and Explained (1773)
Volume 1
Volume 2
Observations on the Four Gospels (1764)