PE – PL Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)(Click on title to open)Peabody, Andrew Preston(1811 ~ 1893)AmericanUnitarian Minister– Christianity and Scepticism (1870)– Christianity the Religion of Nature (1870)– Christianity and Science (1874)– Lectures on Christian Doctrine (1857)– A Manual of Moral Philosophy (1873)– The Fourth Gospel (1891)Pearson, Thomas(1815 ~ 1855)ScottishReverend of Eyemouth, Scotland– Infidelity; Its Aspects, Causes, and Agencies (1854)Penn, William(1644 ~ 1718)English-AmericanQuaker, Founder of Pennsylvania– A Visitation to the Jews (1833)Penrose, John(1778 ~ 1859)EnglishAnglican Priest– A Treatise on the Evidence of the Scripture Miracles (1826)– Of the Use of Miracles in Proving the Truth of a Revelation (1824)Percy, Thomas(1729 ~ 1811)EnglishBishop of Dromore– A Key to the New Testament (1813)Perry, John Taylor(? ~ 1901)AmericanEditor of the Cincinnati Gazette– Sixteen Saviours or One: The Gospels not Brahmanic (1879)Pfleiderer, Otto(1839 ~ 1908)GermanProtestant Theologian– Christian Origins (1906)Pierson, Arthur Tappan(1837 ~ 1911)AmericanPresbyterian Minister– Many Infallible Proofs (1886)– Stumbling Stones Removed from the Word of God (1891)Plumptre, Edward Hayes(1821 ~ 1891)EnglishDivine and Scholar– The General Epistles of St Peter and St Jude (1893)– The General Epistle of St. James (1884)