PO – PU Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)(Click on title to open)Pocock, William Willmer(1813 ~ 1899)BritishArchitect– A Layman’s View of the Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch (1894)Poole, Matthew(1624 ~ 1679)EnglishNon-conformist theologian– Annotations Upon the Holy Bible (1853)Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Porter, Josias Leslie(1823 ~ 1889)IrishPresbyterian Minister– The Pentateuch and the Gospels (1864)Potts, James Henry(1848 ~ 1942)CanadianMethodist– Faith Made Easy; Or, What to Believe, and Why (1888)Powell, Baden(1796 ~ 1860)EnglishProfessor of Geometry, Anglican Priest– The Order of Nature (1859)Powell, William Samuel(1717 ~ 1775)BritishArchdeacon of Colchester– Discourses (1832)Poynter, William(1762 ~ 1827)EnglishCatholic Priest– Christianity: Or, The Evidences and Characters of the Christian Religion (1827)Price, Richard(1723 ~ 1791)WelshMoral Philosopher, Nonconformist Minister and Mathematician– Four Dissertations (1777)Prideaux, Humphrey(1648 ~ 1724)English (Cornish)Churchman and Orientalist– The True Nature of Imposture Fully Display’d in the Life of Mahomet (Muhammad) (1808)– The Old and New Testament Connected (1836)Volume 1Volume 2Priestley, Joseph(1733 ~ 1804)EnglishChemist, Unitarian, Natural Philosopher– Letters to the Jews (1787)– An Answer to Mr. Paine’s Age of Reason (1794)– Discourses on the Evidence of Revealed Religion (1794)– A Comparison of the Institutes of Moses with those of the Hindoos and Other Ancient Nations (1799)– Discourses Relating to the Evidences of Revealed Religion (1796-99)– Institutes of Natural and Revealed ReligionVolume 1Volume 2– Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever (1787)– Letters to a Young Man, Vol. 1 (1792)– Letters to a Young Man, Vol. 2 (1793)– Observations on the Increase of Infidelity (1797)Pusey, Edward Bouverie(1800 ~ 1882)EnglishAnglican Cleric, Professor of Hebrew– An Historical Enquiry (1828)– What is of Faith as to Everlasting Punishment? (1880)