Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)
(Click on title to open)
Rackham, Richard Belward
(1863 ~ 1912)
EnglishAnglicanThe Acts of the Apostles (1901)
Ragg, Lonsdale
(1866 ~ 1945)
EnglishAnglican PriestEvidences of Christianity (1909)
Ramsay, Sir William Mitchell
(1851 ~ 1939)
BritishArchaeologist and New Testament ScholarLuke the Physician (1908)
St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen (1895)
The Church in the Roman Empire before AD 170 (1897)
The Cities of St. Paul (1908)
Studia Biblica et Ecclesiastica 4 (1896)
Randolph, Thomas D.D.
(1701 ~ 1783)
EnglishPresident of Corpus Christi College, Oxford– The Christian’s Faith a Rational Assent (1744)
The Prophecies and Other Texts Cited in the New Testament (1782)
The Use of Reason in Matters of Religion stated and explain’d (1762)
– The Certainty of a Future State Asserted (1755)
A View of Our Blessed Saviour’s Ministry (1783-84)
Volume 1
Volume 2
A Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity (1754)
Rawlinson, George
(1812 ~ 1902)
BritishScholar, Historian and Christian Theologian The Alleged Historical Difficulties of the Old and New Testaments (1880)
On the Genuineness and Authenticity of the Pentateuch (1863)
Egypt and Babylon (1885)
– Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament (1880)
The Historical Evidences of the Truth of the Scripture Records (1859)
The Kings of Israel and Judah (1889)
The Testimony of History to the Truth of Scripture (1898)
Ancient History (1900)
Biblical Topography (1887)
– Ezra and Nehemiah (1891)
Moses (1887)
– St. Paul (1877)
– Contrasts of Christianity (1861)
Raymond, Bradford Paul
(1846 ~ 1916)
AmericanWesleyan’s Eighth PresidentChristianity and the Christ: A Study of Christian Evidences (1894)
Redford, Robert Ainslie
(1828 ~ 1906)
?? Prophecy: Its Nature and Evidence (1882)
– Primer of Christian Evidence (1884)
– The Christian’s Plea Against Modern Unbelief (1881)
– Four Centuries of Silence (1885)
Reich, Emil
(1854 ~ 1910)
HungarianJewish Historian The Failure of the Higher Criticism of the Bible (1905)
Renan, Ernest
(1823 ~ 1892)
FrenchOrientalist and Semitic Scholar The Apostles (1905)
Renaud, George
(? ~ ?)
?Oxford Fellow– How Did Christ Rank the Proofs of His Mission? (1872)
Reynolds, Henry Robert
(1825 ~ 1896)
EnglishCongregational Minister– John the Baptist (1874)
Rice, Edwin Wilbur
(1831 ~ 1929)
AmericanCongregational Minister– Peoples’ Commentary on the Gospel According to Luke (1889)
Peoples’ Commentary on the Gospel According to John (1891)
Commentary on the Acts (1900)
Richards, George
(1767 ~ 1837)
EnglishVicar of Bampton– Divine Origins of Prophecy Illustrated and Defended (1800)
Richardson, John
(1564 ~ 1625)
EnglishBiblical scholar and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge The Canon of the New Testament Vindicated (1701)
Riddle, Joseph Esmond
(1804 ~ 1859)
EnglishCleric, Scholar and Lexicographer– The Natural History of Infidelity and Superstition in Contrast with Christian Faith (1852)
Riehm, Eduard Karl August
(1830 ~ 1888)
GermanProtestant Theologian Messianic Prophecy (1876)
Rishell, Charles Wesley
(1850 ~ 1908)
AmericanProfessor of Historical Theology– The Higher Criticism (1893)