Ro – Ry Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)(Click on title to open)Robbins, Wilford Lash(? ~ ?)?Dean of the Cathedral of All Saints, Albany– A Christian Apologetic (1903)Roberts, Alexander(1826 ~ 1901)ScottishBiblical Scholar– Discussions on the Gospels in Two Parts (1864)– Greek the Language of Christ and His Apostles (1888)Roberts, Alfred(? ~ ?)EnglishReverend, Trinity College, Oxford– Light Shining out of Darkness (1839)Roberts, Robert(1839 ~ 1898)ScottishAuthor and Editor, Christadelphian– The Trial of the Most Notable Lawsuit of Ancient or Modern Times (1908)– The Visible Hand of God (1884)Robertson, Archibald Thomas(1863 ~ 1934)AmericanSouthern Baptist Preacher and Biblical Scholar– Luke the Historian in the Light of Research (1920)– The Fourth Gospel in the Light of Modern Scholarship (1917)Robins, Sanderson(1801 ~ 1862)EnglishDivine and Writer on Education– A Defence of the Faith (1862)Robinson, Charles Henry(1861 ~ 1925 EnglishCanon of Ripon– Studies in the Character of Christ (1908)– Studies in the Resurrection of Christ (1909)– Human Nature A Revelation of the Divine (1908)Robinson, Edward(1794 ~ 1863)AmericanProfessor, Union Theological Seminary– The Alleged Discrepancy between John and the Other Evangelists Respecting Our Lord’s Last Passover (1845)Robinson, Ezekiel Gilman(1815 ~ 1894)AmericanBaptist Clergyman, Theologian, and Educator– Christian Evidences (1895)Rogers, Benjamin Bickley(1828 ~ 1919)EnglishClassical Scholar– A Free Enquiry into the Difficulties Suggested by Dr. Colenso with Respect to the Historical Veracity of the Pentateuch (1863)Rogers, Henry(1806 ~ 1919)EnglishNonconformist Minister– Reason and Faith (1853)– A Defence of ‘The Eclipse of Faith’ (1854)– Essays, Selected from Contributions to the Edinburgh Review (1850)– The Eclipse of Faith: Or, A Visit to a Religious Sceptic (1853)– The Greyson Letters (1859)– The Superhuman Origin of the Bible Inferred from Itself (1874)Rogers, John(1679 ~ 1729)EnglishChaplain to the King– The Necessity of Divine Revelation and the Truth of the Christian Revelation Asserted (1729)Rosadi, Giovanni(1862 ~ 1925)ItalianPolitician and Lawyer– The Trial of Jesus (1905)Rose, Hugh James(1795 ~ 1838)EnglishAnglican Priest and Theologian– The State of Protestantism in Germany, Described (1825)Rossington, Herbert John(1870 ~ 1957)EnglishUnitarian Minister– Did Jesus Really Live: A Reply to ‘The Christ Myth’ (1911)Rotheram, John(1725 ~ 1789)EnglishVicar of Seaham– A Sketch of the One Great Argument (1754)– The Force of the Argument for the Truth of Christianity Drawn from a Collective View of Prophecy (1753)Row, Charles Adolphus(1816 ~ 1896)EnglishChurch of England Clergyman and Moral Philosopher– The Jesus of the Evangelists (1868) – The Moral Teaching of the New Testament Viewed as Evidential to its Historical Truth (1872)– The Nature and Extent of Divine Inspiration (1864)– The Principles of Modern Pantheistic and Atheistic Philosophy (1874)– Remarks on Some of the Current Principles of Historical Criticism (1874)– Mythical Theories of Christianity (1880)– A Manual of Christian Evidences (1887)– Christian Evidences Viewed in Relation to Modern Thought (1879)– Christian Theism (1890)– Reasons for Believing in Christianity (1881)– Revelation & Modern Theology Contrasted (1883)– The Historical Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Dead (n.d.)Rowland, David(? ~ ?)?Lawyer– The Evidence from Tradition and from the Fathers Applied in Support of the Apostolic Origin of the Fourth Gospel (1869)Ruffner, William Henry(1824 ~ 1908)AmericanEducator– Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity (1852)Russell, Howard Hyde(1855 ~ 1946)AmericanLawyer and Clergyman– A Lawyer’s Examination of the Bible (1893)Rutherforth, Thomas(1712 ~ 1771)EnglishArchdeacon of Essex– The Credibility of Miracles defended Against the Author of Philosophical Essays (1751)Rylance, Joseph Hine(1826 ~ 1907)EnglishClergyman– Christian Rationalism: Essays on Matters in Debate Between Faith and Unbelief (1898)