At the Library of Historical Apologetics, our mission is to be the world’s leading resource for lay apologists, pastors, students, and scholars seeking historical apologetics materials for self-study, church classes, sermon preparation, and research. Our digital collection currently contains references to about 3,000 items with a focus on works in English from the 17th through the early 20th centuries.
Beyond simply providing access to these materials, our long-term vision is to create a digital learning environment that incorporates personal and collaborative reading, note taking, and study tools. We want to support a community in which more experienced scholars help newcomers find the material they need and construct secondary resources such as curricula, study guides, and course syllabi that can be shared by all users.
This project is directed by Dr. Timothy McGrew, who is Professor of Philosophy at Western Michigan University, where he has taught since 1995, serving as department chairman from 2005-2009.
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in the works available in our library are wide-ranging and do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of our team, nor the Library itself as an organization. (This includes the personal views and actions of the authors in their individual lifetimes.) We believe they should be available to the public for scholarly research due to the nature of their genre, and not as a representation of the views of the Library or its team.