Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)
(Click on title to open)
Abbadie, James
(1654 ~ 1727)
FrenchDean of Killaloe, MinisterA Vindication of the Truth of Christian Religion, Against the Objections of all Modern Opposers (1694)
Abbot, Edwin
(1838 ~ 1926)
EnglishReverend, Teacher– Silanus the Christian (1906)
– Apologia: an Explanation and Defence (1907)
Abbot, Ezra
(1819 ~ 1884)
AmericanProfessor, Bible Scholar– The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel: External Evidences (1880)
Adams, William
(1706/7 ~ 1789)
EnglishMaster of Pembroke– An Essay on Mr. Hume’s Essay on Miracles (1754)
Addison, Joseph
(1672 ~ 1719)
EnglishEssayist, Poet, Playwright, Politician– Evidences of the Christian Religion (1753)
Alexander, Archibald
(1772 ~ 1851)
AmericanPresbyterian Theologian, ProfessorThe Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained: Or, the Bible Complete Without the Apocrypha and Written Tradition (1851)
A Brief Outline of the Evidences of the Christian Religion (1830)
Evidences of the Authenticity, Inspiration, and Canonical Authority of the Holy Scriptures (1836)
Preliminary Discourse on the Evidences of Christianity: With a Short Account of the Treatises which these Volumes Contain. (with Watson, Jenyns, Leslie, and Paley) (1831)
Alexander, William Lindsay
(1808 ~ 1884)
ScottishReverendChrist and Christianity (1854)
The Connexion and Harmony of the Old and New Testaments (1841)
The Evidence to the Truth of Christianity Supplied by Prophecy (1880)
Alford, Henry
(1810 ~ 1871)
EnglishChurchman, Scholar, Poet, Writer– The Consistency of the Divine Conduct in Revealing the Doctrines of Revelation (1841)
Allen, Ethan
(1737 ~ 1789)
AmericanBusinessman, Soldier, Politician, Philosopher, Writer, Lay Theologian– Reason, the Only Oracle of Man: Or, A Compendious System of Natural Religion (1854)
Allix, Peter
(1679 ~ 1758)
FrenchPreacher, Theologian Reflections upon the Books of the Holy Scripture to establish the Truth of the Christian Religion (New Edition: 1822)
Allon, Henry
(1818 ~ 1892)
EnglishNonconformist divine– The Argument for the Supernatural Character of Christianity (1872)
Allestree, Richard
(1621/2 ~ 1681)
EnglishRoyalist churchman, Provost of Eton College– The Lively Oracles Given to Us (1713)
Anderson, Robert
(1841 ~ 1918)
IrishScotland Yard Official, Theologian, Writer– Pseudo-Criticism: Or, the Higher Criticism and Its Counterfeit (1904)
– A Doubter’s Doubts about Science and Religion (1909)
– Christianized Rationalism and the Higher Criticism (1903)
– Daniel in the Critics’ Den (1895)
– The Bible and Modern Criticism (1905)
Anderson, William
(1824 ~ 1887)
IrishMinister of the Octagon Chapel, Bath; Rector of Upper Cumber– Reasons for Our Faith: Six Lectures on Modern Misrepresentations of the Christian Religion and the Christian Evidences, with References and Notes (1874)
Andrews, Samuel J.
(1817 ~ 1906)
AmericanIrvingite divine, Pastor– God’s Revelations of Himself to Men: As Successively Made in the Patriarchal, Jewish, and Christian Dispensations and in the Messianic Kingdom (1901)
Anson, Harold
(1867 ~ 1954)
EnglishAnglican Priest Prayer As Understanding (1916)
Faith or Fear? An Appeal to the Church of England (1916)
Applegarth, Robert William
(1747? ~ 1819?)
EnglishQuaker– A Theological Survey of the Human Understanding: Intended as an Antidote against Modern Deism (1776)
Arnold, Matthew
(1822 ~ 1888)
Inspector of Schools
– Literature and Dogma (1903)
– God and the Bible: a Sequel to ‘Literature and Dogma’ (1903)
Ashley-Cooper, Anthony
(1621 ~ 1683)
Earl of Shaftesbury
– Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times (1773)
Assheton, William
(1641 ~ 1711)
EnglishPreacher– An Admonition to a Deist: Occasioned, By some Passages in Discourse with the same Person (1685)
Atkey, Anthony
(1701 ~ 1734)
EnglishPreacher– The Main Argument Of a late Book, Intitled, Christianity as Old as the Creation, Fairly Stated and Examined: Or, A Short View of that whole Controversy (1733)
Auberlen, Karl August
(1824 ~ 1864)
GermanLutheran Theologian– The Divine Revelation: An Essay in Defence of the Faith (1867)
Auchincloss, John
(1810 ~ 1876)
AmericanBusinessman– The Sophistry of both the First and Second Part of Mr. Paine’s Age of Reason: Or, A Rational Vindication of the Holy Scriptures as a Positive Revelation from God, with The Causes of Deism. In Four Sermons. (1796)