Coo – Cu Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s) (Click on title to open)Cook, Frederic Charles(1804 ~ 1889)EnglishAnglican Preacher, Linguist, Bible Editor– The Speaker’s Commentary –– Pentateuch (1871)– Joshua to 1 Kings (1872)– 2 Kings to Esther (1873)– Synoptic Gospels (1878)– Romans to Philemon (1881)Cook, George(1772 ~ 1845)Scottishdivine, Ecclesiastical Historian– An Illustration of the General Evidence Establishing the Reality of Christ’s Resurrection (1808)Cook, John (Brother of George Cook, above)(1770 ~ 1824)ScottishMinister, Historian, amateur Artist– An Inquiry into the Books of the New Testament (1821)Cook, Josephus Flavius (Joseph)(1838 ~ 1901)AmericanPhilosophical Lecturer, Clergyman, Writer– Transcendentalism (1878)– Occident (1884)– Boston Monday Lectures (1881)– Orthodoxy (1878)– Skepticism and Rationalism (1881)Cooke, William(1711 ~ 1797)EnglishAnglican, Provost of King’s College, Cambridge; Dean of Ely– The Miracles of the Lord Jesus (1883)Cooper, Samuel(1725 ~ 1783)AmericanCongregational Minister– The One Great Argument for the Truth of Christianity (1787)Cooper, Thomas(1805 ~ 1892)EnglishChartist Poet, Baptist Preacher– Verity and Value of the Miracles of Christ (1876) – Verity of Christ’s Resurrection from the Dead (1875)– Bridge of History over the Gulf of Time (1871)– God, the Soul, and the Future State (1873)– Evolution, the Stone Book, and the Mosaic Record of Creation (1878)Cooper, William(1776 ~ 1848)English??– Christ the True Messiah (1796)Coquerel, Athanasius Laurent Charles (1795 ~ 1868)FrenchProtestant Theologian– An Answer to Dr Strauss’ Life of Christ (1858)Cowie, Benjamin Morgan(1816 ~ 1900)EnglishDean of Manchester and Exeter– Scripture Difficulties (1855)Cowper, Benjamin Harris(1822 ~ 1904)EnglishBritish Biographer– The Apocryphal Gospels and other documents relating to the history of Christ (1867)Cox, John Hayter(1768 ~ 1848)EnglishCongregational Minister– Lectures on the Harmony of the Scriptures: Designed to Reconcile Apparently Contradictory Passages (1823)Cox, Samuel(1826 ~ 1893)Englishnonconformist divine, Christian Universalist– Miracles: An Argument and a Challenge (1884)Coxe, Richard Charles(1800 ~ 1865)EnglishArchdeacon, Author– Lectures on the Evidence from Miracles (1832)Crombie, Alexander(1762 ~ 1840)ScottishPresbyterian Minister, Schoolmaster, Philosopher.– Natural Theology (1829) –– Vol. 1– Vol. 2Crosby, Arthur(1847 ~ 1915)AmericanPresbyterian Pastor– A Reasonable Faith (1889)Cudworth, Ralph(1617 ~ 1688)EnglishAnglican Clergyman, Philosopher– The True Intellectual System of the Universe (1845)Cumberland, Richard(1631 ~ 1718)EnglishTheologian, Anglican Bishop, Philosopher of Ethics.– A Treatise on the Laws of Nature (1727)Cumming, John(1807 ~ 1881)ScottishClergyman, Religious Author– Is Christianity from God (1856)– Moses Right, and Bishop Colenso Wrong (1863)Cunningham, William(1775 ~ 1849)ScottishLandowner, Writer– Remarks upon David Levi’s Dissertations on the Prophecies Relative to the Messiah (1810)– Theological Lectures (1878)Curteis, Thomas(1706 ~ 1775)Englishdivine, Prebendary at Canterbury– A Dissertation of the Unreasonableness, Folly, and Danger of Infidelity (1725)