Gr – Gy Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)(Click on title to open)Grant, Brewin(1821 ~ 1892)EnglishReverend– Christianity and Secularism (1853)– An apology for Christianity, or, Modern infidelity examined– Discussion between Grant and Bradlaugh (1858)Grant, James(1802 ~ 1879)BritishAuthor and Newspaper Editor– The Foes of Our Faith, and How to Defeat Them (1862)Graves, Richard(1763 ~ 1829)IrishClergy, Church of Ireland– An Essay on the Character of the Apostles and Evangelists (1798)Gray, James Martin(1851 ~ 1935)AmericanPastor in the Reformed Episcopal Church, a Bible scholar, editor, hymn writer, and the president of Moody Bible Institute.– The Bulwarks of the Faith (1899)– Primers of the Faith (1906)– Bible Problems Explained (1913)– A Picture of the Resurrection (1917)– Errors of “Millenial Dawnism”– How to Master the English Bible (1907)– The Antidote to Christian Science (1907)Gray, Robert(1762 ~ 1834)EnglishBishop of Bristol– Discourses on Various Subjects, Illustrative of the Evidence, Influence, and Doctrines of Christianity (1793)– The Connection between the Sacred Writings and the Literature of Jewish and Heathen Authors, Vol. 1 (1819)Green, Robert(? ~ 1730)EnglishFellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge– A Demonstration of the Truth and Divinity of the Christian Religion (1711)Green, Samuel Gosnell(1822 ~ 1905)EnglishBaptist Minister– Introduction to the Knowledge of Holy Scripture for Teachers and Senior Scholars in Sunday Schools (1873)Green, Thomas(? ~ ?)EnglishVicar of Wymeswold, Leicestershire– A Dissertation on Enthusiasm (1755)Green, William Henry(1824 ~ 1900)AmericanHebrew Scholar, Presbyterian Pastor, Professor at Princeton Theological Seminary– General Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon (1899)– Prophets and Prophecy (1877)– Old Testament Literature (1878)– The Hebrew Feasts: In Their Relation to Recent Critical Hypotheses Concerning the Pentateuch (1885)– The Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch (1903)– The Unity of the Book of Genesis (1910)Greenfield, William(1799 ~ 1831)EnglishLinguist– The Pillar of Divine Truth (1831)Gregory, Caspar René(1846 ~ 1917)German-AmericanTheologian– Canon and Text of the New Testament (1907)Gregory, Daniel Seely(1832 ~ 1915)AmericanPresident of Lake Forest University, Presbyterian Minister– Why Four Gospels? (1880)– Practical Logic (1881)– Christian Ethics (1880)Gregory, Olinthus(1774 ~ 1841)EnglishMathematician, Author, and Editor– Letters to a Friend:On the Evidences, Doctrines, and Duties of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1 (1829)Grenville, H.(? ~ ?)English?– A Chronological Synopsis of the Four Gospels (1866)Griffin, George(1778 ~ 1860)AmericanLawyer and Author– The Gospel its Own Advocate (1850)Griffin, John Nash(? ~ ?)IrishMinister of Harold’s Cross Church, Dublin– Seven Answers to the Seven Essays and Reviews (1862)Grinfield, Edward William(1785 ~ 1864)EnglishBiblical Scholar– The Doctrinal Harmony of the New Testament Exemplified (1824)Grisenthwaite, William(? ~ ?)English?– A Refutation of Every Argument Brought Against Christianity (1825)– On Genius (1827)Gritton, John(1830 ~ ?)EnglishMissionary to India, Secretary of the Lord’s Day Observance Society– Lyttleton on the Conversion of St. Paul (1874)– Christianity is Not the Invention of Imposters or of Credulous Enthusiasts (1873)François Pierre Guillaume Guizot(1787 ~ 1874)FrenchPrime Minister of France– Meditations on the Actual State of Christianity (1867)– Meditations on the Essence of Christianity (1867)Gurdon, Brampton(1672 ~ 1741)EnglishRector of Denham, Buckinghamshire– The Pretended Difficulties in Natural or Reveal’d Religion no Excuse for Infidelity (1728)Gurney, Joseph John(1788 ~ 1847)EnglishQuaker Minister– Essays on the Evidences, Doctrines, and Practical Operation of Christianity (1825)– Four Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity (1857)– Hints on the Portable Evidence of Christianity (1833)Gwatkin, Henry Melvill(1844 ~ 1916)EnglishTheologian and Church Historian– The Knowledge of God and its Historical Development, Vol. 2 (1908)Gyles, James Fayting(1781 ~ 1834)EnglishLawyer– The Truth of Christianity (1832)