Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)
(Click on title to open)
Cadbury, Henry Joel
(1883 ~ 1974)
AmericanBiblical Scholar, Quaker Historian, WriterThe Style and Literary Method of Luke (1920)
Caesar, William
(? ~ ?)
??The Gospel of St John: Its Authorship and Authenticity (1877)
Cairns, David Smith
(1862 ~ 1946)
ScottishPresbyterian Minister, ApologistThe Reasonableness of the Christian Faith (1918)
Cairns, John
(1818 ~ 1892)
ScottishPresbyterian Minister, TheologianThe Present State of the Christian Argument from Prophecy (1883)
Christ and the Christian Faith (1904)
Christ the Central Evidence of Christianity and Other Present Day Tracts (1893)
Unbelief in the Eighteenth Century as Contrasted with its Earlier and Later History (1881)
False Christs and the True: or the Gospel History Maintained in Answer to Strauss and Renan. A Sermon (1864)
– The Jews in Relation to the Church and the World: A Course of Lectures (1877)
Campbell, Alexander
(1788 ~ 1866)
Irish-AmericanMinister, Founder of Restoration MovementPopular Lectures and Addresses (1863)
The Christian Preacher Intended to Detect Error, and to Exhibit and Defend Truth (1827)
Debate on the Evidences of Christianity (1839)
Campbell, Archibald
(1691 ~ 1756)
ScottishChurch of Scotland Minister, Moral PhilosopherThe Authenticity of the Gospel-History Justified (1759)
Volume 1, Volume 2
A Discourse Proving that the Apostles Were No Enthusiasts (1730)
The Necessity of Revelation (1739)
An Enquiry into the Origin of Moral Virtue (1728)
Campbell, George
(1719 ~ 1796)
ScottishPhilosopher, Minister, Professor of DivinityA Dissertation on Miracles (1823)
Campbell, John
(1766 ~ 1840)
ScottishCongregational Minister, MissionarySummary of the Evidences, etc. (1859)
Carey, Daniel
(? ~ ?)
American?? Circumstantial Evidences of Christianity (1881)
Carey, P.M.
(? ~ ?)
English??A Concise View of the Evidences and Corruptions of Christianity (1838)
Carpenter, William Benjamin
(1813 ~ 1885)
EnglishUnitarian; Physician, Invertebrate Zoologist, PhysiologistNature and Man (1888)
Carrington, Philip
(1892 ~ 1975)
New ZealandAnglican Priest, AuthorChristian Apologetics of the Second Century In their Relation to Modern Thought (1921)
Cecil, Richard
(1748 ~ 1810)
EnglishChurch of England ClergymanThe Works of the Rev. Richard Cecil, Vol. II (1845)
Chalmers, Thomas
(1780 ~ 1847)
ScottishMinister, Professor of Theology, Political Economist, Church of ScotlandOn the Miraculous and Internal Evidences of the Christian Revelation (1848)
Volumes: One, Two
Evidence and Authority of the Christian Revelation (1817)
Lectures on Paley’s Evidences of Christianity (1849)
– Posthumous Works of the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. (1849)
Volumes: One, Two, Three, Four, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
On Natural Theology (1857)
Volumes: One, Two
Chamberlain, Walter
(1820 ~ 1895)
EnglishVicar St. John’s, Lancashire, EnglandThe Christian Verity Stated, in Reply to a Unitarian (1861)
Chandler, Edward
(1668 ~ 1750)
EnglishBishop of Durham, AnglicanA Vindication of the Defence of Christianity from the Prophecies of the Old Testament (1728)
Volumes: One, Two
A Defence of Christianity from the Prophecies of the Old Testament (1725)
Chandler, Samuel
(1693 ~ 1766)
EnglishNonconformist Minister, Polemicist Pamphleteer The Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ Re-examined (1744)
A Vindication of the Christian Religion (1728)
A Vindication of the Antiquity and Authority of Daniel’s Prophecies and their Application to Jesus Christ (1728)
– Plain Reasons for Being a Christian (1759)
Sermon on the Following Subjects (1768)
Volumes: One, Two, Three, Four
Reflections on the Conduct of the Modern Deists, In their late Writings against Christianity (1727)
A Vindication of the History of the Old Testament (1741)
Chandler, Walter Marion
(1867 ~ 1935)
AmericanLawyer, U.S. RepresentativeThe Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer’s Standpoint (1908)
Volumes: One, Two
Chapman, John
(1704 ~ 1784)
EnglishCleric, Theologian, Scholar, Archdeacon of SudburyA View of the Expediency and Credibility of Miraculous Powers Among the Primitive Christians, After the Decease of the Apostles (1750)
Charteris, Archibald Hamilton
(1835 ~ 1908)
ScottishTheologian, Professor of Biblical Criticism at the University of Edinburgh Canonicity: A Collection of Early Testimonies to the Canonical Books of the New Testament (1880)
– The New Testament Scriptures: Their Claims, History, and Authority (1882)
Chase, Charles Frederick
(1816 ~ 1886)
EnglishRector of St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, and St. Ann BlackfriarsThe Trial of Jesus before Caiaphas and Pilate (1876)
Cheever, George Barrell
(1807 ~ 1890)
AmericanAbolitionist Minister, WriterFaith, Doubt, and Evidence (1881)
Chesterton, Gilbert K.
(1874 ~ 1936)
EnglishWriter, Philosopher, Lay Theologian, Literary and Art CriticOrthodoxy (1908)
Chillingworth, William
(1602 ~ 1644)
EnglishControversial ChurchmanThe Religion of Protestants a Safe Way to Salvation (1870)
The Works of William Chillingworth, M.A. (1838)
Volumes: One, Two, Three
Christlieb, Theodor
(1833 ~ 1889)
GermanProtestant TheologianBest Methods of Counteracting Modern Infidelity (1873)
Modern Doubt and Christian Belief (1874)
Church, Thomas
(1707 ~ 1756)
EnglishAuthor, Vicar of Battersea, Priest, Controversialist– A Vindication of the Miraculous Powers, Which Subsisted In the Three First
Centuries of the Christian Church

An Essay Towards Vindicating the Literal Sense of the Demoniacks, in the New
Churton, William Ralph
(1837 ~ 1897)
EnglishAnglican Churchman, Author– The Uncanonical and Apocryphal Scriptures (1884)