Le – Li Apologist/AuthorNationalityOccupation and/or AffiliationWork(s)(Click on title to open)Le Bas, Charles Webb(1779 ~ 1861)EnglishClergyman, Educator– Considerations on Miracles (1828)Le Clerc, Jean(1657 ~ 1736)FrenchTheologian, Biblical Scholar– Free and Important Disquisitions (1750)– Twelve Dissertations out of Monsieur Le Clerk’s Genesis (1696)– Treatise on the Causes of Incredulity (1697)Le Moine, Abraham(? ~ 1757)FrenchHuguenot divine– A Treatise on Miracles (1747)– A Defence of the Sacred History of the Old Testament (1753)Leathes, Stanley(1830 ~ 1900)EnglishTheologian, Orientalist– Old Testament Prophecy (1880)– The Witness of the Old Testament to Christ: Being the Boyle Lectures for 1868 – The Gospel its Own Witness (1874)– Characteristics of Christianity (1884)– The Law in the Prophets (1891)– Christ and the Bible: Four Lectures (1885)– Grounds of Christian Hope: A Sketch of The Evidences of Christianity (1877)– The Religion of the Christ (1876)– The Structure of the Old Testament: A Series of Popular Essays (1873)– Studies in Genesis (1880)– The Birthday of Christ: Its Preparation, Message and Witness (1866)– The Witness of St. John to Christ (1870)– The Christian Creed: Its Theory and Practice (1878) – The Witness of St Paul to Christ (1869)– The Foundations of Morality (1882)Leavitt, John McDowell(1824 ~ 1909)AmericanLawyer, Episcopal Clergyman, Poet, Novelist, Editor, Professor– Reasons for Faith in Christianity with Answers to Hypercriticism (1900)Lecky, William Edward Hartpole(1838 ~ 1903)IrishHistorian, Essayist, Political Theorist– History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe (1895)Lee, William(1815 ~ 1883)IrishChurch of Ireland clergyman– On the Speculative Difficulties of Professing Christians (1846)Leland, John(1754 ~ 1841)AmericanBaptist minister– A View of the Principal Deistical Writers that have Appeared in England in the last and present Century (1808)Volume 1Volume 2– Remarks on a Late Pamphlet, Entitled, Christianity Not Founded on Argument (1744)– An Answer to a Late Book Entitled, Christianity as Old as the CreationVolume 1 (1740)Volume 2 (1733)– Discourses on Various Subjects (1768-69)Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3-The Advantage and Necessity of the Christian Revelation (1819)Volume 1Volume 2– A Second Letter Concerning a Late Pamphlet, Entitled, Christianity not founded on Argument– Answer to a Late Book Entitled Christianity as Old as the Creation (1744)– Reflection on the late Lord Bolingboke’s Letters on the Study and Use of History (1753)Leng, John(1665 ~ 1727)EnglishBishop of Norwich– Natural Obligations to Believe the Principles of Religion and Divine Revelation (1730)Leslie, Charles M.A.(1650 ~ 1722)IrishAnglican non-jurist divine, Controversialist– The Socinian Controversy Discussed, in Six Dialogues (1719)– A Short and Easy Method with the Deists (1830)– The Case Stated, Between the Church of Rome and the Church of England (1849)– A Short and Easy Method with the Jews (1737)– The Case of the Jews, Considered with Respect to Christianity (1755)– Deism Refuted (1755)– Life and Writings of Charles Leslie, M.A. Nonjuring Divine (1885)Less, Gottfried(1736 ~ 1797)PrussianNT Scholar– The Authenticity, Uncorrupted Preservation, and Credibility of the New Testament (1804)Lewin, Thomas(1803 ~ 1891)BritishPrimitive Methodist Preacher– The Life and Epistles of St. Paul (1851)– An Essay on the Chronology of the New Testament (1854)Lias, John James(1834 ~ 1923)EnglishChancellor of Llandaff Cathedral– Principles of Biblical Criticism (1893)– Are Miracles Credible (1883)– The Doctrinal System of St. John: Considered as Evidence for the Date of his Gospel (1875)– The Atonement, Viewed in the Light of Certain Modern Difficulties (1888)Liddon, Henry Parry(1829 ~ 1890)EnglishTheologian, Oxford Dean– Easter in St Paul’s: Sermons Bearing Chiefly on the Resurrection of Our Lord (1885)Volume 1Volume 2Lightfoot, Joseph Barber(1828 ~ 1889)EnglishTheologian, Bishop of Durham– Biblical Essays (1893)– The Evidences of Christianity in Relation to the Current Forms of Skepticism (1871)Lilley, James Samuel(1882 ~ 1963)English / AmericanMethodist minister– Was the Resurrection a Fact: And Other Essays (1916)Lindsay, Alexander William Crawford(1812 ~ 1880)Scottish25th Earl of Crawford, Art Historian and Collector– A Letter to a Friend on the Evidences and Theory of Christianity (1841)